Candice Swearingin Candice Swearingin

Why I Shoot Boudoir

Why Boudoir Photography

This is kind of a difficult question to sum up in a single blog, but I’m going to give it my best shot. To me, Boudoir photography is so much more than just a photoshoot. It feels weird even just calling it that. A boudoir photoshoot is something greater. It’s a few hours where you are everything you want to be. You’re not just a mom, or a wife, or your job. You are EVERYTHING. When you step into my studio, it is all about you and what makes you….YOU! I love watching the transformation, not just in regards to the hair and makeup, but watching the confidence blossom. The smiles, the laughs, sometimes tears of joy are far beyond your standard ‘photoshoot’. Boudoir is an experience.

I actually started my makeup and photography career at Glamour Shots back in the day (if you can believe it!) And I can pinpoint the moment from there that I KNEW boudoir was in my blood. I had a customer that came in after a car accident which had resulted in her having cuts and 2 black eyes. Her confidence was low at that moment, so I took that as an opportunity to show her something great. We did her makeup, shot a Glamour Shots style boudoir shoot, and after a little retouching on her photos sat down to view them. When she saw the final product, she grabbed me, hugged me and thanked me with tears in her eyes. She told me that she didn’t think she was beautiful anymore, and thanked me for showing her that she was wrong. I knew at that moment, this was my calling.

The Transformation

When I meet my ladies at the door, they are always nervous. Sometimes visibly so. This is where the fun begins! We get to the makeup chair, and I am proud to be the makeup artist for them too, and start the transformation. Not only do we get to enhance her beautiful features, but this really gives us a chance to get to know each other too before the photoshoot even starts! I can always start to see the nervousness fading a little at this point.

We move on to the photoshoot and the first series is basically a warm up. As we’re getting into it, I love to show the client the images we’re getting on the back of the camera. This always immediately gets a ‘Oh My God! That’s Me??’ and from that point forward their inner rockstar starts coming out! The sultry eyes, the back arch….that inner goddess is emerging, and it thrills me to no end to watch!

The absolute BEST part of the transformation process is when we sit down together to view all of the final images. When my clients see their finished images, I’m often met with hugs and tears of joy. We have developed such a bond over the course of the day that these images are truly something special for BOTH of us. When they walk out the door I can literally watch them glow.

A Little Piece of My Story

I have actually suffered my whole life with body dysmorphia. Since I was very young and dealt with the neighborhood bullies calling me names like ‘walrus’ I developed an unhealthy view of myself. When I reached high school, I developed an eating disorder. I got down to almost an unhealthy weight for my size, but could never see anything beautiful when I looked in the mirror. However, I could look at others, and see only good things.

It honestly wasn’t until I started working at Glamour Shots, in my early 20’s, and started helping other women to look and feel their best that I decided to look inward. My friends and I would do photoshoots of each other in our downtime and let me tell you, I finally started to feel pretty.

Fast forward to where I am now…I definitely still struggle. As I’m aging, I fight the urge to pick myself apart and point out new wrinkles in the mirror. I’m human. I struggle. I can relate. But when life starts getting me down, I force myself into some lingerie and put myself in front of the camera….and you know what? IT HELPS! The mirror reflection often lies. I’ve learned to use my camera and lighting to show myself the truth.

Yep This is Me!!

These 2 images are ones that I go back and look at regularly when I start to feel down. Having these images remind me that I am beautiful even if I can’t always see it. I know that I am not the only one that struggles with this, and the purpose of me posting is to tell you its okay. You won’t always feel your best, but when you indulge yourself in a boudoir shoot, your insecurities literally melt away and you see yourself in a whole new light.

For me, boudoir photography is a celebration. A celebration of life, of our bodies, and whatever stage in life we are in. I am PROUD that I am able to help women celebrate THEM! You are beautiful, you are important and you are worthy. I am here to remind you of this as your photographer.

Interested in Booking Your Boudoir Experience With Me?

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